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Being Art is my Life

My Origins

My birth certificate verifies that I was born in 1981, Thessaloniki, Greece.

However, after leaving in Argentina I could swear that mi alma es Latinx.

And nevertheless, I am convinced that the essence of my soul has been around since eternity and its roots reach the core of the earth, our lovely Gaia, la Terra.


I also believe that our world is a healing place and I am here to explore, to enjoy, to relate, to share, to communicate, and by doing so I grow, I heal and I evolve in my conscience, the only authentic progress that we can achieve as human species. 


The little one who you see in the picture is the part of me that keeps me Alive; the part that finds joy and excitement in the simple pleasures of life and is curious to discover, learn and appreciate.


My whole life has been a ceaseless journey, not only because I have lived in 3 continents, 5 countries, 7 cities and 20 houses but also because I am a constant soul seeker. I love journeying within to bring light to my darkness and I enjoy to express through my presence, my movement, my voice and my art making, myself and the treasures that I rescue in my adventures. 


To be honest, I absolutely need to love, to play and to create otherwise nothing else makes much sense to me.


In society I am an expressive art-play therapist and an interdisciplinary artist.

In my dreams I envision myself as a play-art-terra-pist@ .


After all,  my journey, who I am and who I become is always

a live art in progress and it wouldn't have been possible

without the presence and support of ALL of you in my life, 

Intrigued to know about my journey?  Read my Autoethnography. 

For my professional background CLICK HERE

Who I am and Who I become is always a live art in progress

A big thank you to my Willows who help me see my light.

To view my darkness click here...

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