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We are able to enjoy our light...

when we are able to own our darkness.

Welcome to my underworld...


I want to trust that you are here because you feel curious to know who I am in all spectrum of my humanity but that is still a challenge.


In our society it is a risk to be transparent, but I believe that this is the only way towards real and fulfilling relationships. I see my light and my darkness as integral parts of my existence and I find it essential to own both, as the only way to avoid projections, and to contribute into creating a more loving world.


That is why I want to include my darkness in this way of presenting myself through the internet, although I am not sure how to do it yet. It feels necessary but also too vulnerable. Actually, I see my darkness as the vulnerable parts of me; it is the parts of me that I can be hurt by others who have an intention to hurt me or may do it unconsciously, and at the same time, paradoxically, it is the parts of me with which I can hurt others, intentionally and/or unconsciously and to be criticized for, so I'd better hide them or disregard them.


So, while I try to figure out how to present my darkness in an honest way I will leave you with the next thought in progress: 

I think that any action that hurts is a twisted, desperate attempt to protect ourselves from being hurt and at the same time, paradoxically, to connect with each other, because we all need to rediscover and relearn loving ways to relate to ourselves, to others and the world.


More to come, hopefully soon!

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