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W @ N D E R E R S

Because to wander brings wonders

Life is a w@ndering;


some of us wander around the roads of familiar neighborhoods and cities

some of us wander big distances,

crossing countries, continents and oceans;

some of us wander both closely and distant.


No matter how we wander,

there are moments that wandering

brings messages of wonder;

a wonder that speaks to our soul and impacts our life;

a wonder that transforms the way we view the world.

a wonder that changes the direction we wander


Some wonders come from someone

we know very well

Some wonders come from a just made friend

Some wonders come from a complete stranger,

that we will never meet again


but it does not matter either.


Whether we know it or not,

in life we all have wonders to give and receive

that guide our wandering in life

because we are all messengers of the soul


we are all W@nderers

How it works:

I am asking to collect your stories of w@nder.


During the last few months I created a list of all the people that I have met in my wandering around the world;

some of you I can hardly recognize but I still happen to have your contact

some of you are a sweet or bittersweet memory

some of you are good friends

some of you are soul friends


I put all of your names in a box and every day I pick randomly one and I write a letter, inviting you to send me your W@nderstory.

Nowadays that everything happens in fast motion with just a click, I choose to slow down and write a letter.

I want to invest my time and intention to connect again with you and weave a thread, the network of W@nderers

After all, a wonder happens in an instant but their effect lasts forever.


Note: if you haven’t received my letter but found out and want to participate...

AWESOME!!! Please Do :-)

What is a W@nderstory:

A W@nder story can be any story of a specific incident, moment, encounter that had a significant impact in your life and brought you an insight. Although significant moments can happen with people we know, in this project I want to rescue the stories that occurred with a complete stranger, someone you saw or met for a short time and then your ways went separately but your life has not been the same since then.  It can be a conversation you had or a scene that you witnessed, or anything else.


I trust you know what your w@nderstory is and if you have more than one, they are all welcome.

Just make sure you are comfortable for your story to become eventually public.


It can be as simple or as complex, as short or as long as you want.

It can be emailed or it can be typewritten or handwritten on the paper you wish and mailed.

It can be only text, or you can use images, collage, video, music, as a complement or to tell the entire story.

All expressions are welcome too!


My own favorite w@nderstory happened many years ago, but as soon as I wrote it down, it inspired this project.


You can read it here:   

Your stories will indicate and inspire how the project will evolve.

It may become a book and/or an Alive performance and/or an online interactive platform...we'll see...

First, I am really looking forward to receiving your w@nderstory!

How to participate:

To participate, please read the following instructions and complete the form below:


1. First Name & Last Name:

Please write your full name for my own checklist.

It will be kept private and never shown publicly, unless you want to.


2. Email:

Your email is necessary to fill out the form.

It will only be used for the purposes of this project. If you also wish to subscribe to my contact list and receive notifications about new projects and Alive performances CLICK HERE


3. Age & W@ndername:

Please write your age and a nickname that may appear publicly.

You can also write ‘Anonymous’ or your real name if you wish


4. City & Country of Origin:

Please provide the city and country you are coming from.


5. W@ndercity & W@ndercountry:

Please provide the city and country that your w@nderstory took place.


6. Title & Format:

Write a title of your story (optional) and tell me if you already have an idea how do you plan to tell your story and how you will send it to me.


7. Complete the form AND send me your W@nderstory the way you prefer at:


Maria Lentzou

1160 York Street, Apt. A

San Francisco, CA 94110



Within your story make sure to use as your name the one that you are ok with being public. If the names of other appear make sure that you have asked permission to use their real name, otherwise use a fake name or just initials.

If you have any questions, please contact me.





Thank you for participating!!!

 Life-Art Projects

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